Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

Wow, 2009 is about to pass away. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL. Remember even if you don't keep your resolutions every day is a new day and God's mercies are renewed every morning. So you can begin again every day.

I pray that God's blessings and favor be with you throughout this year.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christ is Lord

I hope you had a blessed and Christ filled Christmas. I keep thinking on the reasons I know Christ is real and in my life on a personal level. When I think about how far I have come and the changes I see in me, I know Christ has come. When I think about the temptation to retaliate in the worst ways to those who have hurt me and yet I resist, I know Christ has come. When I consider the mistakes I have made and the opportunities that show up to get me back on the right road again, I know that Christ has come. In one of my favorite verses there is a line that says that 'the goodness of God leads men to repentance'. I appreciate that goodness so much, because it can be hard to admit sometimes that God is sending messages to show me when I'm wrong, but His goodness has helped get to the place where I'm quick to say I'm sorry. This past year have made me acutely aware of the danger of allowing anything to compromise my relationship with God. Christ has come and I have no excuse not to rise in His ressurection power.

Let me share with you my question for today and however long I feel like meditating on it...If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own son but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things??.....Romans 8:31-32.

Get up, Christ has come.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Day

In my mind I am singing, "Great is your mercy towards meeee". It's a new day. Last night I praised God inspite of and today I must praise Him for His tender mercies and compassion that never fail. Truly I'm alive and in my right mind and joyful because God kept me. I want to remind you that the righteous are as bold as a lion. If that portion of scripture bothers you because you know that it is written that our righteousness is like filthy rags, I want you to remember that is why Jesus was made sin for us and as it is written it was done "that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus" Check it out for yourself in 2 Chorinthians 5:21. Is there something you konw you should be doing, someone you know you must talk to, an attitude you know you must change, mindsets you know you must challenge????? Know who you are in Christ and get to it. You don't have to feel confident in yourself but draw from the confidence of being in Christ Jesus. Pray, get you sword out (the bible of course) read the instructions and get to it. It's a new day and change has come. Will you receive it?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Never would have made it

Aaahhh, as I listen to Marvin Sapp, "I Never would have made it without You" I can testify. My life has been plagued with storms this year. It seems like on too many people in my life want me in the gutter messed up, put down, dragged down and discouraged. But GOD I never could have made it, never could have held up, never could have forgiven, let go, move on without YOU. Would somebody say Amen. Praise the Lord, God is good.

I'm typing this as I'm going through for I truly belive God is about to show up for me in ways that far supercedes what He has already done for me. (God You are God)

Are you going through a storm right now, then just reign in all your emotions and this very minute start praising God, just because you believe He is. Go on let it out, be it a whisper, be it a shout, PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY. Remember "For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of Lords, a great God, a mighty , and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward. Deuteronomy 10:17 KJV"

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Have you ever stopped to notice the power of your thoughts. Check yourself. Ever so often stop and check your mood, attitude, atmosphere and then try and recall your mindset for the moments before the check. Whatever you set your mind on will significantly affect your emotions and attitude. I'm in the process of learning to be mindful. For me that entails purposefully concidering what I'm thinking about ever so often throughout the day. I've already proven that negative thoughts attract negativity and tend to sour even positive moments. On the other hand positive thoughts can keep you stable even in negative situations. Its good to prove it for yourself. That provides a bigger incentive for change.

Will you join me..... Let's be mindful. Have you looked up today?

All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15.

Monday, November 30, 2009


A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet. Proverbs 29:5

Last night I was watching the movie version of Pilgrim's Progress with my husband. One small part stuck with me after. It was when Christian and Hopeful met Flatterer. What left an impression on me in the allegory was that this character was not some smooth talking turkey. Oh no, that would have been easy to spot. The character actually looked similar to the "Shining one" (another character in the movie) and seem to give the 2 pilgrims 'information' they needed, seemingly leading their tired souls to an easier path. Believe me if you have been a Christian for any amount of time, you have those days when you need some good, encouraging words and it seems like the devil knows just the right 'brother' or 'sister' to send to you despite the warnings God sends, and just before the true refresher. If you are weary enough you may fall for flattery and inevitably be caught in a net. I can recall going through a terrible lonely period in my life years ago and I mentioned my feelings to my husband on a Friday. Come Monday morning I had a visitor in my office, saying the things I needed to hear someone say. Fortunately for me after speaking to my husband I had taken my complaint to the One, the only One who could truly understand what was going on inside of me. (Let's face it, unless our husbands, boyfriends, wives, best friends, pet rabbit etc. are psychiatrists, they may not have the answers we need all the time especially when the issue stems from something going on inside). So anyway, I had one of my break down, I'm undone prayer sessions and then listened for some word. The answer was simply 'eagles fly alone, God was trying to teach me something and I had to go through that time of what felt like isolation'. I can't recall how it came. Sometimes I hear a message by someone or recall something or happen to hear a song and within the words I get the notion that it's the answer to my prayer.

Back to the Monday morning. I sat there just listening wondering if maybe this person was the "friend" God was sending me, in spite of the answer I thought I got. I admit I was desperate and wavering, thank God for grace. However, as the conversation continued the Holy Spirit started putting up red flags. I wish every Christian could come to that place that their discernment is so exercised that even when they are weary and prone to fall, the Spirit can still grab their attention.
Have you ever been flattered in a way that you just wanted to soak it all in, just for a moment? Life had hit a rough spot and you know, it just seemed like a word in due season???? Then here is something for you to chew on till I get back.....A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, and a flattering mouth works ruing Proverbs 26: 28

By the way the illustration in the movie led to the pilgrims being caught in a net. It was timely for me because on that same Sunday I was almost blindsided by another flatterer....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Before honor comes humility

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

I saw a sad sight today and my heart is so heavy I must write about it. I was driving along with my mom and kids and we passed a man walking at the side of the road. I thought to myself, "he looks vaguely familliar". As if reading my thoughts (or realising that I didn't wave to the individual) my mom informed me of who it was and proceeded to tell me a shocking sad story. Indeed I didn't recognise him fully because he was a shell of himself. He had a congenial personality, rather cocky and bold. When he entered a room he had a presence. The person I saw was bent, distraught, distinct opposite from what I knew not so long ago. He was riding high but life pulled the rug out. I came home and rendered a heartfelt prayer for this man. I wish I could tell Him to lift up his head. Look to the creator. Turn over the hurt, the pain, the anger and recieve what no man could give.

On Sunday evening my family's bible study was based on King Nebuccadnezzar's downfall that God sent because of his pride (Daniel 4). For this week we were to remember to give God thanks for every accomplishment and ascribe the glory to Him instead of taking credit. It sure helped me remember who is truly in control. Our own pride can bring us down. Unfortunately it's hard for us to acknowlledge muchless see that we are prideful in anyway. God is so good that even if we are brought down by pride, the reverse is also true,  humility could lead to honor.
Before his downfall a man's heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Proverbs 18:12

Father, please help your children to hate pride and walk in true humility. Not self debasement that is based on pretense or just trying to prove to other people that we are humble, but the acknowledgment that although we are children of the Most High, you are the one in total control and any great thing we accomplish is for your glory. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rise above the hypocrites

The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous would be delivered.  Proverbs 11:9 NIV

Have you ever met a hypocrite????? Too much to count huh? Even in the church? Sad but true and they usually command a position of notariety. Think I've cross the line in saying that, weeeell check out this verse where Jesus himself was addressing religious leaders of his day. and check this long passage on Jesus calling the leaders hypocrites to their faces over and over again Now please don't go trying to call people hypocites, we must be wise to know when to confront and when not to. The point I'm trying to make is that hypocrisy is alive and well in our churches and it has hurt many of the sheep. I know it has hurt me. It's a horrible thing when someone flatters you to your face and then verbally eats you raw behind your back. The lesson I've learnt.....forgive, yes confront if you feel God leading you to that, but forgive. Guess what God hates hypocrisy and He will avenge you. Also get it in your head that 'flattering lips work ruin'. Know when someone is just buttering you up and don't make them your confidant because they fan your ego. Don't become buddy, buddy with an hypocrite 'lest you learn their ways' or people start assuming you are two peas in a know what I mean.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Up and down kind of day

Well it seems like my words are being tested, but I'm thankful for that. You cannot expect promotion without being tested. So I've been having some days that left up to my old ways, would leave me down and disgruntled. I just keep fighting against going under. You see, I have come to realise that even my attitude in the midst of a painful ordeal, is a choice. I sure have had some days of pain lately. I'm not sure what was happening to my body but I was going through some unexplainable excrutiating pain. They have been washed out through prayer. I say washed out because after praying about the pains, I felt the urge to start drinking 4 cups of water before breakfast in the morning (I could only manage 3 though and I mean the average sized glass). It worked!!!! It worked well, for not only has the pains all but disappear (I still sometimes get a dull sensation) but the water has been behaving like a laxative (nuff said).

It reminds me of the washing of the 'water of the word'. Feeling spiritual pains anyone. Try drinking in an increased amount of the word. Get yourself all cleaned out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Consider this

Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and He shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee. Deuteronomy 28 : 47- 48

I have read the Bible from cover to cover several times, but I perceive I could never read it without something new jumping out at me. This verse actually shook me up while reading the book, Created To Be His Help Meet, by Debbie Pearl. As you can guess I had been seeking ways to improve myself in my marriage. The verse resonated the critical need for me to serve the Lord not just with lamenting and being busy doing good things, that wore me out into a sour puss but God wanted joy. He wanted me to be glad, He wanted me to consider the things He had given to me. How easy it is to consider the things we don't have and belly ache about if we had such and such or if this hadn't happen, yackity yak, rather than being vocally thankful for what we do have. Honestly, I was such a hard nut to crack that I have read the book over and over before actually implementing the suggestions and seeing results far above my expectations. But this is about the verse. Did you notice what the LORD himself did to His children who were not serving Him with joyfulness and gladness of heart for the things He had given??? He turned them over to serve their enemies. Today we don't have enemies like the Hittites and all the other ite's but what about the bad neighborites; hostile co-workerites; sickness-ites ..... you get the picture. I think we need to Selah. Yeah, let us pause and think about that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by your name. Jeremiah 15:16 NKV

So you prayed and identified your joy stealers. I'll veer off to encourage those that feel they have been hit way too hard to even think of joy. Maybe you are dealing with a death, divorce, chronic or fatal illness, or anything that you find insurmountable to you, I propose to you go through your period of mourning. Ecclesiatics 3:4 reminds us that there is a time to weep. But, yes but, after you have wept I would like you to ask yourself a very critical question based on Romans 8:35. Have your painful circumstances seperated you from God's love? They can make you feel that way if you let them, please don't let them. God loves you. Believing that is one of the keys to reclaiming your joy. I must tell you I believe He loves me so much that I'm not afraid to ask Him why, God whhhhhyyyyy. Does He always answer? Not always the way I would like but certainly He does send comfort.

Now moving on to the next step after praying and identifying joy stealers........prayer. Go to God and confess if you have been giving away your joy to something that you can overcome through Christ. I've come to the conclusion that I can overcome all things through Christ. So after confession I make my request known, Abba, Father, I want Your joy, in me and flowing out of me. I want it to be so full that anyone standing near me would be infected.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joy equals strength

I'm so guilty. Yes I'm one who has claimed that the joy of the Lord is within me and quoted a few scriptures to back me up, but not even my own self could find that joy if I went a searching. With all the promises in the word of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit why is it true "joy" is so hard to detect in some Christians? Well I'll just speak for myself, my joy was stolen. No, I'm not playing the blame game, I was at fault for it being stolen. We are given certain advice in the scripture that if followed we will protect the gift or fruit of joy given to us. But what's so great about joy anyway? Enter Nehemiah 8: 10, the last section 'Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength'. I can just hear myself among the other Sunday school children, way back when, singing at the top of our lungs, "The jooooyyy of the Looorrrdd, is my strength". Fast forward today and I must confess, I'm just recovering my joy and indeed I'm recovering my strength. Oh I have done my do for the Lord, I've had the comments and compliments and people wondering how I achieved, but I now know why great accomplishments (in my small neck of the woods) often left me feeling just plain weary.


I believe before you can retrieve anything you must know who or what took it in the first place.
So lets look at how I came to my recovery and started on my way up. First I had to be frank about .....
What stole my joy?
  • Anxiety - I confess I use to worry way too much (even while quoting scriptures against worry)
  • Anger - At those who hurt me
  • Hurt - you know that's right and there is many reasons for this
  • Being betrayed - By someone dear, dear, dear to my heart.
  • Being lied on, lied to, lied about, decieved, taken for a fool 
  • Failure - my start up businesses were stuck in park
  • Relationship woes - Thank God for Jesus. We're on our way up even higher than before.
Hey why don't you take the time to check yourself. Do you have joy, real joy??? How about start your own list of joy stealers. Come on, be honest with you, it's worth the pain. Besides it will be between only you and God and guess what, if He ever reveals your secret it would be to someone who is assigned to help you. Trust me He did that for me and I have no regrets. So take some time and come back I'll tell you how I reclaimed. I'll leave you with my biggest weapons, identify what's missing and pray, pray, pray. Then get ready for the next step because frankly my dear it ain't gonna fall out the sky and into your lap.

Monday, October 12, 2009

You can get up today

Have you been knocked down, trod on, lied to, lied about, misused, misrepresented, cursed at, betrayed, laughed at, or experienced any other put downs, let downs or drag downs??? I know the feeling, for I have been there. So I'm starting this blog to extend to you what I feel have helped me to rise even after the most painful fall. Frankly, it is not my desire to throw mud at those who hurt me, and as you get to know me you'll understand why. However, the painful results of life and relationships can still be addressed without exposing 'who done did it'.

Be forewarned, I am a Christian and a radically saved one at that. By that I mean I unashamedly agree with the word of God and each day I rise it is my desire to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. If that offend or scare you, feel free to leave this blog. My blessings go with you. If you are searching for someone to encourage you in moving past the pain and keep rising higher, then hopefully my blog would offer some assistance.

I'm no specialist, nor doctor, nor counsellor, but someone who has had to get up again and keep on moving and I've learnt that often the most relevant words that helped me along the way came from those who had been there and made it out. So here, let me extend my hand via my words. Do you want to rise? Then just reach up, I may be small in frame but I rely on the strength of the God I serve and I know He can use me to lift you up on your feet again or at least plant the desire in you till He sends the exact help you need. I believe you are ready, so come back for my next post "JOY" yes joy even though it hurts like......(you choose)