Monday, November 23, 2009

Rise above the hypocrites

The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous would be delivered.  Proverbs 11:9 NIV

Have you ever met a hypocrite????? Too much to count huh? Even in the church? Sad but true and they usually command a position of notariety. Think I've cross the line in saying that, weeeell check out this verse where Jesus himself was addressing religious leaders of his day. and check this long passage on Jesus calling the leaders hypocrites to their faces over and over again Now please don't go trying to call people hypocites, we must be wise to know when to confront and when not to. The point I'm trying to make is that hypocrisy is alive and well in our churches and it has hurt many of the sheep. I know it has hurt me. It's a horrible thing when someone flatters you to your face and then verbally eats you raw behind your back. The lesson I've learnt.....forgive, yes confront if you feel God leading you to that, but forgive. Guess what God hates hypocrisy and He will avenge you. Also get it in your head that 'flattering lips work ruin'. Know when someone is just buttering you up and don't make them your confidant because they fan your ego. Don't become buddy, buddy with an hypocrite 'lest you learn their ways' or people start assuming you are two peas in a know what I mean.

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